BJP Leader and Union Minister Smriti Irani hit out at the Congress Government in Punjab for security breach of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the state. Briefing media in New Delhi, Ms Irani said, never before in the history of our country were police functionaries in a state directed and convenienced to breach the security of a Prime Minister and bring him harm. Ms Irani said, such is the breakdown of law and order in Punjab under the Congress regime that the DGP Police claims he is incapable of providing security support and details to the PMO.
She said, such is the state of administration in Punjab that a security detail and run that is a protocol administratively to be followed by a state head was dismantled so that PM Modi could be brought to harm. Ms Irani questioned the Congress government in Punjab that why did the DGP Police give an all-clear to the PM’s security detail for the route that the PM was to undertake.
She questioned who in the Punjab Government gave information about the Prime Minister’s route to individuals who planted themselves atop the flyover. Ms Irani said, video evidence, now publicly available, bring such questions to the fore. She also questioned why did those who lead the security on behalf of the state government not respond to any call or efforts to secure the Prime Minister.