Union Science and Technology Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh launched the theme of National Science Day 2022. The theme of this year is Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for Sustainable Future. The National Science Day is observed every year on 28th February to mark the discovery of the Raman effect. Launching the theme in New Delhi, Dr. Singh expressed hope that through this all the institutions across the country will be able to chart out programmes to observe the day.
Dr. Singh said this is the best time to give a push to this theme because a lot of awareness of science has been generated during the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been reiterating that we have to come out of the culture of working in silos and now this is no longer only an option, it is a necessity. Dr Singh said, for India to live up to the global benchmarks, it has to live up to the global parameters.